Believe Bracelets

Choose to Believe.
Embrace the Truth and Dispel the Lies

Ephesians 2:4-6


Satan’s Lie: You are inferior.
God’s Truth: You are seated in heaven.
Summary: You are saved, raised up, seated with Christ in Heaven.

Ephesians 2:4-6
Romans 8:1-8


Satan’s Lie: You are guilty.
God’s Truth: You are NOT condemned.
Summary: There is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.

Romans 8:1-8
Philippians 4:13


Satan’s Lie: You are inadequate.
God’s Truth: You have power.
Summary: You can do all things through Christ’s strength.

Philippians 4:13
Hebrews 13:5-6


Satan’s Lie: You have no security.
God’s Truth: You are content.
Summary: God says He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Hebrews 13:5-6
James 1:5-8


Satan’s Lie: You should be doubtful.
God’s Truth: You have wisdom.
Summary: You need only ask God to grow in wisdom.

James 1:5-8
Philippians 4:6-7


Satan’s Lie: You should worry.
God’s Truth: You have received peace.
Summary: Pray about everything, His peace will guard your heart.

Philippians 4:6-7

Before the Fall, identity, security, significance, spiritual maturity and sense of worth were normal human attributes; but sin’s effect was dramatic, immediate and far-reaching, infecting us all.  Adam and Eve’s relationship with God was severed. In their new, unregenerate state, they knew something about God, but they no longer knew God.  Those once normal glowing attributes before the Fall became glaring needs afterwards.  Acceptance was replaced by rejection, so we feel the need to belong.  Innocence was replaced by guilt and shame, so we need our legitimate sense of worth restored.  Dominion was replaced by weakness and helplessness, so we strive for strength and self-control.  Falling short in these areas then causes us to become fearful, anxious, depressed, and angry.  Now as a result of Adam and Eve’s bad choice to listen to Satan and sin against God, we have a myriad of good and bad choices to face every day as part of the curse placed upon humankind.  

This entrance of sin into the world, through Satan, was no surprise to God; and, of course, He had a plan to restore that broken relationship with His people before the Fall even occurred.  The agent of that plan is named Jesus Christ, God incarnate.  Through Him, you are able to know God personally, as Adam and Eve did.  The moment that you put your faith in Christ, at salvation, you have received the mind of Christ in your inner self (1 Corinthians 2:16), you enter God’s kingdom (see Colossians 1:13), your old self has passed away (Romans 6:6), you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17)…forever. 

Christians have been called “Believers” for millenia.  We believe in Christ and we believe that He died on the cross, but we don’t necessarily know, believe or fully comprehend what that sacrifice did for us. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people perish for lack of knowledge.” Carnality, the lack of repentance and faith in God, and the deception by the father of lies (see John 8:44) also affect our beliefs.  Consequently, we are ending up with forgiven sinners instead of redeemed saints.  Placing our faith in Christ cured the disease of sin, right then, not when you die.   Because we have already been restored through the blood of Jesus Christ, we have a new life, a new identity and a new way of living.  The Holy Spirit, who lives in you, gives you the power to turn from sin, its grip is broken (see Romans 8:9); therefore, we are no longer sinners, we are saints who choose to sin.  Satan works to deceive you into believing otherwise because he knows he can do nothing to damage your position and identity in Christ.

As a believer, your true identity is not based on what you do or what you possess but on Who You Are IN Christ.  Christ Jesus won back for you the identity that was lost when man was expelled from the garden.  Too many Christians identify with the first Adam–with the Adam who sinned and was exiled from the presence of God.  In reality, however, Christians are identified with Jesus Christ, the last Adam.  Both Jesus and Adam were born spiritually alive.  Adam died spiritually when he sinned.  But Jesus, unlike Adam, stayed spiritually alive, without sin.   Even in His deity, however, He was still completely dependent on God the Father (John 5:19).  Our behavior, because we are in Christ, should mimic that of Christ, with the same kind of dependence.  

Believers struggle with the behavior aspect of their growth because they are still struggling with the belief aspect of who they are in Christ.  One way to perceive yourself as God does is to reaffirm who He says you are continually and repeatedly.  Searching for “Who Am I in Christ” on your web browser should produce an exhaustive list of Scripture to study and take to heart.  Simply choosing to believe what God has to say about you will make your life more meaningful and productive.  You can choose to live life feeling inferiority, guilt, inadequacy, insecurity, doubt and worry…OR…you can choose to believe that you are a child of God who has the power within you through Christ to live without condemnation. Romans 14:23 reminds us, “Whatever is not from faith is sin”. Turn the page to see the promises that God has for you to combat those negative feelings.

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